Lessons on Resilience

Lessons on Resilience

In times of turmoil, fear, and uncertainty, it can be helpful to turn to the natural world for answers. If you can, try to have a moment with nature today. Let us all learn resilience, how to thrive under difficult circumstances, and how to maintain some beauty and whimsy in our lives at the same time. Let us all be a little bit more like Douglas spirea.

MLK Days of Service

On Martin Luther King Jr. weekend 2020, Oswego Lake Watershed Council will be honoring MLK Jr’s legacy with two days of service. We are hosting a planting event on Saturday, January 18th and an Ivy pull on Monday, January 20th. See the event details and RSVP links...


#LoveYourWCs Watershed Councils work with our community members, building a sense of place while together stewarding the land and water. This giving season, we’re collaborating to encourage each of you to connect with the Portland Metro area Watershed Councils where...
Welcome Jack Halsey, OLWC Coordinator

Welcome Jack Halsey, OLWC Coordinator

Jack Halsey (jack@oswegowatershed.org) joined Oswego Lake Watershed Council in September 2019 as the new Coordinator. Jack grew up in Oregon and began working with watershed councils in 2013 as a Fish Passage Intern with the Johnson Creek Watershed Council. Jack...


You can help protect watershed health! Volunteer to plant trees, sign up for our newsletter, host a presentation, or attend a free workshop. Join us for periodic work parties involving the removal of invasive species and installation of native plants!  Please email...