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January 7, 2025
  • Village on the Lake Work Party January 7, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Please join us for our restoration in action series. We will be preparing drainage and wetland areas for late winter planting. The event will take place at Lily Bay and will focus on removing English ivy to improve this important natural area. Come and hang out with your neighbors and see a site transform!

    Lily Bay is a unique wetland that runs into Lake Oswego where there are few remaining wetlands, making it a critical habitat in the watershed.  Work being done at this event will help protect the existing tree canopy and open up areas for new native plant installation for the betterment of water quality and wildlife.

    This event requires registration. To RSVP, please use this link: Registration Link

    See more details

January 10, 2025
January 11, 2025
  • OLWC Work Party: Westlake HOA January 11, 2025  10:00 am - 12:00 pm 14903 Westlake Dr, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, USA

    This beautiful oak woodland habitat is home to 150-year-old white oaks and a diversity of wildlife! Invasive species, especially ivy, have taken over the forest and we need your help! We will be pulling invasive ivy and other invasive species. Pulling ivy requires volunteers to be able to bend over or kneel, but we can arrange alternate projects for those with different abilities or mobility issues.

    We will be working outdoors so please dress for the weather (long pants and layers are recommended). Sturdy, closed-toed shoes are required. Bring your own water bottle and gloves. Extra tools, gloves, and training will be provided. Please bring any medication you may need (Asthma Inhaler, Epi-Pen, etc.) Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom on site. Please stop by, learn about oak woodland ecology, and lend a hand as we enhance this unique oak woodland!  

    Parking will be available in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints parking lot.

    Registration is required! Please RSVP by using this link

    Registration Link:

    Or by emailing Rio Hybert at

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January 21, 2025
  • Village on the Lake Work Party January 21, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Please join us for our restoration in action series. We will be preparing drainage and wetland areas for late winter planting. The event will take place at Lily Bay and will focus on removing English ivy to improve this important natural area. Come and hang out with your neighbors and see a site transform!

    Lily Bay is a unique wetland that runs into Lake Oswego where there are few remaining wetlands, making it a critical habitat in the watershed.  Work being done at this event will help protect the existing tree canopy and open up areas for new native plant installation for the betterment of water quality and wildlife.

    This event requires registration. To RSVP, please use this link: Registration Link

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January 25, 2025
  • Woodside Cir HOA Work Party January 25, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Deerbrush Avenue & Woodside Circle, Deerbrush Ave & Woodside Cir, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, USA

    Woodside HOA natural area is home to beautiful oak woodland habitat. Invasive species, especially ivy, have taken over the forest and we need your help! We will be pulling invasive ivy and other invasive species. Pulling ivy requires volunteers to be able to bend over or kneel, but we can arrange alternate projects for those with different abilities or mobility issues.

    We will be working outdoors so please dress for the weather (long pants and layers are recommended). Sturdy, closed-toed shoes are required. Bring your own water bottle and gloves. Extra tools, gloves, and training will be provided. Please bring any medication you may need (Asthma Inhaler, Epi-Pen, etc.) Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom on site. Please stop by, learn about oak woodland ecology, and lend a hand as we enhance this unique oak woodland! 

    Please park on Deerbrush Ave.

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January 28, 2025
  • Village on the Lake Work Party January 28, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

    Please join us for our restoration in action series. We will be preparing drainage and wetland areas for late winter planting. The event will take place at Lily Bay and will focus on removing English ivy to improve this important natural area. Come and hang out with your neighbors and see a site transform!

    Lily Bay is a unique wetland that runs into Lake Oswego where there are few remaining wetlands, making it a critical habitat in the watershed.  Work being done at this event will help protect the existing tree canopy and open up areas for new native plant installation for the betterment of water quality and wildlife.

    This event requires registration. To RSVP, please use this link: Registration Link

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January 30, 2025
  • Oak Survey Training January 30, 2025  2:00 pm - 3:30 pm 2 Mt Jefferson Terrace, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, USA

    The event will take place in the Trillium Room in the Mountain Park Rec Center. Please ask the front desk for directions. The training will include a presentation and an outdoor field portion of the class, a short walk away.

    We hope you can make to the next training which will be in partnership with the City of Lake Oswego and will be co-led by their head arborist and OLWC. 

    This is important work. With the help of volunteers, we will be able to gather data on oak trees in Lake Oswego such as tree health and location and express this information in a map that will further conservation efforts. We plan to collect data on hundreds of Oaks. That's where volunteers come in. Thank you for your support and interest.

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February 8, 2025
  • OLWC Work Party: Westlake HOA February 8, 2025  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm 14903 Westlake Dr, Lake Oswego, OR 97035, USA

    This beautiful oak woodland habitat is home to 150-year-old white oaks and a diversity of wildlife! Invasive species, especially ivy, have taken over the forest and we need your help! We will be pulling invasive ivy and other invasive species. Pulling ivy requires volunteers to be able to bend over or kneel, but we can arrange alternate projects for those with different abilities or mobility issues.

    We will be working outdoors so please dress for the weather (long pants and layers are recommended). Sturdy, closed-toed shoes are required. Bring your own water bottle and gloves. Extra tools, gloves, and training will be provided. Please bring any medication you may need (Asthma Inhaler, Epi-Pen, etc.) Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom on site. Please stop by, learn about oak woodland ecology, and lend a hand as we enhance this unique oak woodland!  

    Parking will be available in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints parking lot.

    Registration is required! Please RSVP by using this link

    Registration Link:

    Or by emailing Rio Hybert at

    See more details

February 11, 2025
  • Urban Forest Committee Meeting February 11, 2025  10:00 am - 11:30 am

    Scheduled Zoom meeting.
    Topic: Urban Forest Committees
    Second Tuesday of the month

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 867 6129 0564
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    Meeting ID: 867 6129 0564

    Find your local number:

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February 14, 2025
February 19, 2025
  • MP HOA Work Party February 19, 2025  9:00 am - 11:00 am Elizabeth Gress Park, Churchill Downs & McNary Pkwy entrance to the Park

    The common spaces in Mountain park are home to a diverse forest and serve as a great wildlife corridor! Invasive species, especially ivy, have taken over the forest and we need your help! We will be pulling invasive ivy and other invasive species and seeding native groundcover. Pulling ivy requires volunteers to be able to bend over or kneel, but we can arrange alternate projects for those with different abilities or mobility issues.

    We will be working outdoors so please dress for the weather (long pants and layers are recommended). Sturdy, closed-toed shoes are required. Bring your own water bottle and gloves.  Tools, gloves, and training will be provided. Please bring any medication you may need (Asthma Inhaler, Epi-Pen, etc.) Children are welcome if accompanied by an attentive adult. Unfortunately, there is no bathroom on site. Please stop by, learn about your neighborhood's woodland ecology, and lend a hand as we enhance the habitat and the beautiful natural environment of Mt. Park! 

    Registration is required! Please RSVP by using the link below or email Rio Hybert at

    Registration Link:

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