The following technical reports and publications pertaining to our area are available online:
- Healthy Streams and Watersheds: How to Get There from Here
Strategies and Partners for Success
(Prepared for the Lake Oswego Corporation by Harris Stream Services, LLC. Updated July 2014) - Stream 101 – An Introduction to Stream Morphology, Functions and Management
(Prepared by Harris Stream Services, LLC. in March 2010)
- Phosphorus Loading: Landscape Interactions and Management Implications in an Urban Watershed (synopsis of the 2016 Master’s Project of Maddee Rubenson)
- Storm-event-transport of urban-use pesticides to streams likely impairs invertebrate assemblages (Carpenter, K.D., Kuivila, K.M., Hladik, M.L. et al. Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188: 345. doi:10.1007/s10661-016-5215-5
- MOVE OVER, DOUGLAS-FIR: OREGON WHITE OAKS NEED ROOM TO GROW (Published by the Pacific Northwest Research Station’s Science Findings, issue ninety eight / december 2007)
Where Rivers Are Born: The Scientific Imperative for Defending Small Streams and Wetlands (Published February, 2007, funded by Sierra Club Foundation, The Turner Foundation and American Rivers.)
Water Quality
- Oswego Lake Water Quality Data (published by Lake Corp.)
- Oregon Water Quality Standards (Published by the Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality)
- Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLS) applicable for the Oswego Lake Watershed. A TMDL is the calculated pollutant amount that a waterbody can receive and still meet Oregon water quality standards.
- Oswego Lake Watershed and adjacent watersheds
- Springbrook Park (22″ wide x 34″ tall)