Unsung Hero Stephanie Wagner

OLWC Board Chair, Stephanie Wagner

Our fabulous board chair Stephanie Wagner received the City of Lake Oswego’s Unsung Hero Award on Monday, December 1, 2015.

From the Pamplin Media write-up on the 2015 Unsung Hero awards:

Stephanie has been called “the lady with the green heart” by colleague Mike Buck for her dedication to protecting and preserving Tryon Creek State Natural Area.

While volunteering with Friends of Tryon Creek, Wagner developed “Kids in Nature,” a program designed to help parents of preschoolers engage their children in the wonders of nature. She developed a field trip program for schools that draws 5,000 students a year to the park, and forged a partnership with Portland State University in which Capstone students help with program development and implementation.

Wagner still serves on the Friends board and still teaches environmental education classes and workshops at PSU. In addition, she is a founding member and current chairwoman of the Oswego Lake Watershed Council and a longtime member of the Natural Resources Advisory Board.

“I believe the City of Lake Oswego has been one of her ‘children,’” said Buck, who was honored as an Unsung Hero last year for his work with Friends of Iron Mountain. “We (owe) this ‘volunteer mom’ a big debt of thanks.”

The Lake Oswego “Unsung Hero” Awards

The goal of the Unsung Hero awards is to recognize individuals who have volunteered during the past year or over an extended period of time but who are not generally well known by the public for the good deeds they do. CLICK HERE to learn more…

Lake Oswego's Unsung Heroes of 2015

Lake Oswego’s Unsung Heroes of 2015